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"Life is worth sharing with those you love"



Our Story


How did Healthy 8 begin?


Hi everyone! 


We are Chris and Debby.   We started this company 3 years ago while traveling through the Pacific and Australia. We had a life changing experience while volunteering in a Wellness center in Australia. Ever since, we have worked tirelessly to learn more and to serve with intensity.  It is our hope that by sharing our journey, you may find new ways to a better, healthier life. 


You could say we were living the American dream!  Both of us with great  jobs and excelling careers, a house and our dog.  We had everything we thought we  wanted -  stability and family.  Life couldn't get any better than that, so we thought.


Several years into our careers - nursing at one of the top hospitals in DFW and IT engineer at an industry leader,  we were living our lives clueless of the impact on our health. Stress had become part of our daily lives.  


In 2016, Chris was diagnosed with an Autoimmune disease and that's where our life began to change.  We visited 3 of the top specialists in our area, and began treatment. Weekly we noticed the symptoms worsening. Some of the topical medications were so strong that his skin ripped open and bled occasionally. Eventually we were told of a physician who also worked with lifestyle changes. Chris flew to consult with her. We learned so much from her, not only regarding Chris' condition, but as to making healthy lifestyle changes.  In a few months we lost weight, felt healthier and Chris' symptoms stagnated.


In this journey to a healthier life we were taken around the world.  We had the great opportunity to volunteer and work closely with Barbara O'Neil - a renowned naturopath at the time, based in Australia, among other people and institutions.         This adventure opened our eyes to a world little known to us - the world of herbs and nature simple remedies.


After many months offshore learning, volunteering and traveling, we came home convicted that our purpose is to help alleviate suffering as well as educate others about lifestyle changes.

We decided to search for a Wellness Institute within the US where we could volunteer our time and learn intensively about Lifestyle changes through natural means. We visited several facilities interviewing and praying that we would find a great match.

After the interviewing process, we were convicted that Eden Valley Institute of Wellness in Loveland, Colorado, was the best fit for us.
Eden Valley is an amazing institute. 
We learned so much there, from therapies and patient management to herb protocols, a wide array of natural health topics. We had the great opportunity to work as therapists, and later on as Assistant Directors of the Lifestyle Center.   


Currently, Chris and I have decided to return to school for furthering our knowledge in the health field. We are striving for a holistic approach in healthcare. 

Chris is working towards a degree in Healthcare Management and I am working on my Doctoral degree in Nursing - FNP.
As a result, we plan to be better equipped to help people in their journey to a healthier self by integrating the latest research and technology in Medicine with the timeless knowledge from Natural Medicine. 


Healthy 8 was born out of a passion for healthy living.


Join us in our journey, as we talk about simple changes you can implement in order to take full control of your health. 


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